Thursday, 8 July 2010

Dear Readers - Welcome!!!

Much later than first anticipated I am about to start my second bolg....I have been playing around with the background design for a while now and in the end, with the help of this happy lady, I think I am almost where I wanted to be....

I thought I'd start of with "Jelly" - something I love to use when cooking, but also something I have not been able to make, until now: Here my first ever jelly, not terribly clear but it does taste nice:

To make this Rhubarb & Mint Jelly, you will need:

1kg / 2¼lb
rhubarb (this is a good way of using up the older dark red or green-stemmed rhubarb)

about 1.3kg / 3lb / 6½
cups preserving - or granulated - sugar, warmed

large bunch 30ml / of fresh mint

30ml / 2 tbsp
finely chopped mint

♥ Cut the rhubarb into chunks, place in a large heavy pan and pour in enough water to just cover it, cover with a lid and cook until the rhubarb is soft

♥ Remove the pan from the heat, cool slightly and pour the stewed fruit and juices into a scalded jelly bag/double lined muslin cloth suspended over a non metallic bowl, leave to drip over night

♥ Measure the strained juices into a preserving pan and add 450gr/1lb/2¼ cups of warmed sugar for each 600ml/1pint/2½ cups of strained juice

♥ Add the bunch of mint, bring to the boil stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Boil to setting point 105C/220°F. Remove the mint.

♥ Leave to stand for 10 minutes, stir in the chopped mint, pot an seal.

Good with either toast, crumpets etc or with fatty meats, such as lamb or goose.



1 comment:

  1. , jetzt bin ich doch nochmal an den PC und ich bin die erste Leserin, freu...Das hier wird eine echte Herausvordeung für mich, denn...mein Englisch is not the best...aber süß find ich auch Deine Beschreibung mit den braunen Papiertüten...ich liebe sie !!! Eigentlich egal, was der Shop verkauft, wenn es so eine Verpackung gibt, ist es um mich geschehen ( selbst vertüte/ verpacke ich Geschenke auch nur mit braunem Packpapier, am liebsten mit ein paar Stempeln..oder Efeu.)Aber , ich schweife ab...
    Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Erfolg mit Deinen
    Kitchen Stories, viele gute Rezepte und immer gutes Gelingen...
    Ganz lieben Gruß und schönen Abend noch,
